Bridge of Spies

“Well, the boss isn't always right. But, he's always the boss.”

Filmology Rating: 3.25 out of 4


A movie directed by Steven Spielberg and starring Tom Hanks.... smells like Oscar bait to me. Not a bad thing either because this was an excellent movie! I was so relieved to watch a Cold War period movie that wasn't about some nuke getting stolen ( Go back to The Man From Uncle which could've been so much better if it didn't have that cliche nuke plot) The Cold War was a time period that was not necessarily exciting and full of explosions like Hollywood seems to portray but rather, it was a war about information. A war that was fought in the shadows and in secret. This movie does an excellent job of showing that aspect of history. Because of this behind the shadows aspect of the war and no caving into the stolen nuke plot, this movie had the challenge of keeping the average movie goers attention for over 2 hrs. This film was up for the challenge and nailed it. With the brilliant acting of Tom Hanks and the directing power of Spielberg, the film carried very nicely and kept me engaged and focused the entire time. If you don't know the history of this film, the simple plot of the story is that the US and the USSR each have a man from the other nation and the even trade that they did to get their man back all taking place at the height of the Cold War. This was an excellent film and will most likely be talked about with Oscar buzz.

Rating: See It
