Crimson Peak

“Where I come from, ghosts are not to be taken lightly.”

Filmology Rating: 3.25 out of 4


Crimson Peak was a movie that has left me with some mixed feelings. While I won't say that I didn't enjoy the film because I honestly did, I will say that it is not what I expected that it would be. This movie alludes and gives viewers the idea that this is more of a horror movie than anything else from the trailers, was highly misleading. If you get scared really easily then you might be freaked out a few times but other than that, it was very tame in the fright department. This film turned out to be more of a period piece and somewhat of a thriller. Anyway, some things that I enjoyed about the film were that it has an interesting way at displaying the ghosts. In my opinion, it was a very unique and different way to portray them and they help add a lot of suspense and mystery to the plot. The house where the story takes place is also a good "character". It seems to be more than just a setting in this film which is something you don't see in too many movies. The house is something that seems to have a personality with the way that it is falling apart, the location, and the backstory that it holds for you. The acting in this movie is good at best. None of the actors delivers performances that stand out but they do the job for the most part. Overall I would have to say go see this movie if you really were looking forward to it but it is one that you can easily wait to see in discount theaters or redbox later.

Rating: Rent It 
