The Night Before

“We both know Miley was flawless.”

Filmology Rating: 3 out of 4


Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Seth Rogen, and Anthony Mackie, and a couple surprise guests, come together to deliver a solid Christmas comedy. The story for this film is both funny, fun to watch, and with a more serious and real plot undertone to it. These friends have come together every single Christmas eve for the last decade and have partied the night away. This has become a ritual but is now going to come to an end because they are now adults and have too much going on with careers or starting families. They come together for one last night out and things don't always go as planned that while they are out. I really did enjoy this film. I thought it has been one of the more funny Christmas movies to come out in recent years. These three guys have an excellent chemistry that really shows. They seemed to have a blast making this movie and that makes for a really fun viewing experience. Putting the laughs aside, there are the more serious sides to this film. The reason that they have this tradition in the first place is because Gordan-Levitts character lost both of his parents on Christmas eve. Ever since then, his friends became his family. As much as family and friends want to stay close, life gets in the way and tends to mess things up for you. It can be a struggle to stay in touch and keep that closeness that you've always had and that was portrayed really well in this movie. Some things I wish I would change would be that in some more serious times, I felt like they forced some humor in that wasn't needed but also felt forced. Like they were afraid to go a certain amount of time without a joke. Its ok to have a more serious side to a comedy! In fact, it will add depth to the movie and make the characters and plot more believable. Overall though, this is a comedy that is worth watching for sure.

Rating: See It 
