/Filmology Rating: 2.5 out of 4
As a rather strong independent I have to ask myself where was this Romney during the election and why did I never see him? Why is it only after the election behind closed doors do I see him as a family man. It might be because this film focuses more on the family aspect rather than just the man himself. I enjoyed taking a look at that side of politics, the side that the papers will never cover and you will normally never see. I only wish that I could have seen more of it. The film is incredibly short for what was a very big election and I wish we could have spent more time with the Romney camp. Now was it the film makers who decided to not show more or was it the Romney family? I don't think we will ever get the answer to that but if you have an interest in politics or just what goes on behind the scenes with family dynamics this is a film for you.
Rating: Rent It
-Jonny G