The Visit
/“Would you mind getting inside the oven to clean it?”
Filmology Rating: 3 out of 4
M. Night Shyamalan brings you this horror/thriller that is one of his best movies he has done in some time now. Sadly that isn't saying a whole lot after films like After Earth, The Last Airbender, and the Happening and other sub par films. This movie will have you at the edge of your seats and even offers you some comedic relief every now and then. The basic plot for this film is two young kids are sent off for a week to visit their grandparents that they have never meet and things seem off about the grandparents. The two kids do an excellent job throughout the movie. To be honest, the both will seem annoying and pretentious at first but they will quickly grow on you. Without giving too much away about this film, it is a typical M. Night Shyamalan thriller film which is a good thing. To me, I feel he does his best work when he is making horror/thriller films because the most natural for him. This film is shot through the eyes and video cameras of the two kids. The eldest grandchild is very much into movie making and is starting off her career by filming and editing this trip. The handheld camera types of films are getting very old but this movie seemed very well done to me. Not annoyingly shaky but enough to give you the handheld feel are times. Some critiques I have about this film is that I feel the film lacked an identity. Was this a horror film? Because yes at times this movie was scary but it felt held back. M. Night has always done a good job at making thrillers but I don't know if he can truly do horror. This movie could have been scarier than it turned out to be. That can either be a good thing or a bad thing depending how you look at it. The comedic relief in this film, however funny it was at times, made you not being able to take this film seriously as a scary movie. At times it just felt like a movie making fun of old people. Now after saying these critiques, don't get me wrong, I really did enjoy the film! I just thought that it could have been a little bit better.
Rating: Rent It