Star Trek Into Darkness

"An Arabic proverb attributed to a prince who was betrayed and decapitated by his own subjects."

Filmology Rating: 2.5 out of 4


I thoroughly enjoyed the first movie in the Star Trek reboot, having never seen an episode of the TV show nor any of the movies.  This left me hoping I’d enjoy the second installment just as much.  While I did not think Into Darkness was as good a story as Star Trek, I was more enthralled with the characters this time around.  Benedict Cumberbatch in the villain role was absolutely enthralling, while Zachary Quinto’s Spock drew me in and made me feel for him, and Chris Pine delivered a standard Chris Pine performance: bland.  The action sequences were enjoyable and suspenseful; the dramatic plot points weren’t dull or over-played, and the comedic moments at least made me chuckle.  With no significant knowledge of the Star Trek franchise, Into Darkness was funny, entertaining, and captivating.

Rating: Rent It
