Once Upon a Deadpool

“Yule believe in miracles”

Filmology Rating: 2 out of 4


Do you like Deadpool 2? Well if so, I have the film for you! Because for limited time only, you can see it again! And pay for another ticket to see the same movie! What a deal!

Not sure what the expectations were for this film. Whether it was supposed to be full of more new stuff or would be a tapered down version of Deadpool 2 for a PG-13 crowd. Well, it's the second one. This movie is simply a re-packaged Deadpool 2 edit that was meant for a TV cut so that all the gore, blood, and swearing was removed for a televised crowd.

It is worth noting that there is new stuff. There is an entire new section including Fred Savage as they comment on how Fox is doing a PG-13 rated Deadpool. That's great. But it was maybe 5% of this film. The rest is the entire movie of Deadpool 2. Oops, spoilers. Deadpool 2 was not that funny to me to begin with, so watching it again was not entertaining. The Fred Savage scenes were amusing, but not ever hilarious. In fact, the audience loved the Fred Savage scenes, but were dead silent when Deadpool 2 was on the screen, in fact it felt more like I was at a funeral than a comedy. Nobody laughed because they'd seen it before. There was actually one scene in particular with Fred Savage and Deadpool where they stretched out a joke so much that it annoyed me.

There is new CGI added as well as some new jokes that were ADR inserted which was some of the worst ADR and CGI I have seen for a large film in a while. The editing is also a mess because of the challenge of splicing some Deadpool 2 scenes and intercutting it with the Fred Savage stuff and making a two hour run time while also having it be somewhat coherent.

However, there is a positive: every dollar for each ticket purchased will go to charity. It feels like that was implemented at the last second so that it didn't feel like a complete cash grab.
The film avoided a D+ rating for including charity. Otherwise, I would wait until all the Fred Savage scenes are released onto YouTube. Or wait for the terrible Deadpool 2 TV edit. Welcome to Disney, Fox.

Rating: Rent It
