/"You've got to learn to let go."
Filmology Rating: 3.25 out of 4
Sandra Bullock and George Clooney star in the space thriller Gravity, and they are the only two actual people in the film. The premise is one we have not seen before, with Bullock and Clooney being stranded in space, their space shuttle hit by debris, knocking them off structure. The cinematography of Gravity is absolutely stunning. For a film that was obviously not shot where it is set, the use of a green screen is absolutely unnoticeable. The shots used by director Alfonso Cauron are beautiful and ingenious, with long continuous shots of Bullock and Clooney instead of quick cuts. The sound effects are incredible, as they sound realistic to being in space, where sound does not travel.
While all of these things are amazing, I was bored during the majority of the film. The struggles faced by Bullock and Clooney become repetitious, and there is a bit too much schmaltziness in the dialogue. Also, Bullock delivered her usual performance, where she tries to act dramatic but I can’t help but laugh at her or roll my eyes. And Bullock is the majority of our screen time, which gets a bit old. Overall, the film was beautiful and inventive, but the acting detracted from those aspects to make me not enjoy it.
Rating: See It (But Only in 3D)