Black Mass

“How come no one has nailed Whitey Bulger? He seems to be involved in every crime in the city, and yet the Bureau keeps saying he's clean!”

Filmology Rating: 2.25 out of 4


A good movie but nothing too special in the long run. This is a movie that I enjoyed but it is not a movie that I will ever have the urge to see over and over again. This is the kind of movie you see once, enjoy, and then maybe keep the movie on if you're flipping through the channels one day and it happens to be on. To me, the only thing that sticks out is the performance of Johnny Depp. In this movie, he is hardly even recognizable and I mean that in a very good way. That just goes to show how truly talented he is and how diverse of an actor he is and it wouldn't be out of the question for him to be in the running for best actor this Oscar season. This movie has been on the backburner and edits for a long time now and was seemingly written for Depp. Possibly to prove that he is still a grade A actor that is meant for more than Tim Burton films. Alongside Depp, there is a plethora of talent to help this fact riddled movie along and keep you engaged in the story. Without the talent of these people, this movie would've been a flop. This movie doesn't have enough action or suspense to keep you engaged if it wasn't for the stars of the film to help keep you focused. This film felt as more of a crime drama that failed to reach the level of a crime drams such as The Goodfellas. Just because it failed to reach that level doesn't make this film a failure, but it just failed to reach the full potential that I feel most people were expecting. This film also lacks any emotional appeal whatsoever. You never grow to like or care about any character and overall projects into a lack of depth for the film. This film had a story to tell, it told it with the help of big name stars, and that was it. The story will be interesting and somewhat engaging the first time you see it but overall will be a movie most people will forget.

Rating: Rent It
