Safe Haven

"Promise me something Katie, you'll take a lot of pictures and only regret the ones that you didn't take."

Filmology Rating: 1.75 out of 4


Have you seen a Nicholas Sparks’ movie before?  Then there is no reason you need to see this one.  Safe Haven features Julianne Hough as Katie, who is running away from her problems to a small coastal North Carolina town.  She quickly meets Alex, played by Josh Duhamel, and Jo, played by Cobie Smulders.  She slowly adjusts to small-town life as a detective hunts her down.  You can probably guess where this goes by now, so I’m not going to tell you.  The acting was mediocre and not overly convincing.  The plot was old and stale.  Safe Haven would be perfect for a girls’ night when you’re not really watching the movie.

Rating: Skip It
