"If we're right, people lose homes. People lose jobs. People lose retirement savings, people lose pensions."
Filmology Rating: 3.25 out of 4
The Big Short is a movie goes over the events that lead to the housing market and credit collapse in 2008. Now I know that marketing, business, credit, and bank loans don't make for the most exciting topic, but this movie helps give it some life. It has an all-star cast lead by Christian Bale, Steve Carell, Ryan Gosling, Brad Pitt, and directed by Adam Mckay who is mostly known for comedies such as Anchorman, Step Brothers, and more. Seems like an unusual choice for a “comedy” director to be dealing with a more serious movie such as this, but I am very happy it was done this way. Like I said, this movie is not for everyone because of the dry topic that won’t excite many people, but because of the directing and the cast this movie had, it was surprisingly funny at parts. This movie was suspenseful, funny, dramatic, and sad because we are dealing with the loss of jobs, money, and the wellbeing of the people affected by the market collapse. Anyway, this movie follows the events that led up to the collapse of the market and the select few individuals that predicted its happening. Those few people then tried to warn people what has going to happen but nobody listened because everyone thought the market was housing market was safe. So, these select few people then decide to capitalize on this market failure and turn a profit. The reasons the market collapsed and the banking terms they used in this movie were beyond me and the normal movie goer but this movie approached this in an interesting and comedic way. They had the characters “break the 4th wall” and talk directly to the audience and explain things in simple terms along with celebrity cameo appearances to help explain as well. I found it both helpful and funny but I could see some saying that it dumbed down the movie too much for the viewer. I felt that it was needed though so I don't find flaw in that. Overall, there were only a few little things in the movie that I felt should have been cut or shortened, but overall I was very impressed with this movie and the way they brought a “boring and dry” topic to an enjoyable movie experience.
Rating: See It