"One step at a time. One punch at a time. One round at a time."
Filmology Rating: 3 out of 4
Wow.... This was one amazing movie. Creed delivers on all levels in a way that hasn't been seen the the Rocky series since the original Rocky movie. This movie is so heartfelt with raw and genuine emotion, and that is all brought to life with the amazing acting in this movie. Stallone is at his finest in this movie. He is like a fine wine when it comes to the Rocky movies. He only gets better with age. I would not be surprised if an Oscar for supporting actor would be in the discussion because he truly deserves it for this film. I am also so thankful that Michael B. Jordan delivered in this role. We know that he is a very talented actor that can bring forth raw emotion like we saw him do in the movie Fruitvale Station. (This movie is directed by Ryan Coogler. Same person who directed Fruitvale Station) However, after the horrific mess that was Fant4stic Four (makes me angry just thinking about how awful it was.... like seriously, can we not get a decent Fantastic 4 movie!?! Oh wait we did.... It was called the Incredibles) He needed to remind us that he is a force to be reckoned with in Hollywood and also in the ring. He was a very convincing son of Apollo and got in fantastic shape for this role to really push it all through. All in all, he did a fantastic job. Now for the directing and the script. It was absolutely brilliant. Some of the scenes are just shot to complete perfection and it seemed effortless and seamless. The script is so fresh and well written that you fall in love for the Rock all over again and you can really feel the pain and the anguish that Creeds son feels. This is a boxing movie yes but it is so much more than that. It is a movie that is about finding ones self. It is about defining who you are and deciding where you are going with your life. Others may see a name and tell you who you are and where you should go but you have to find that out for yourself in order to fully move forward. This movie shows that struggle and that journey in a very touching and heartfelt manor. One last thing is that the soundtrack during the movie was spot on. It flowed with the movie and it moved the movie at the pace it wanted. Each song had a different vibe it gave off. These songs fit perfectly along with a slightly different version of the classic Rocky song we grew up hearing. My only flaw with the movie is that the ending is very predictable in that it follows the same sports timeline and ending that they all follow. I predicted the ending before the movie happened and I was 100% correct in how it would turn out. Not that big of an issue though but I was hoping I was wrong and they would spice things up a little. This has been one of the better movies I have seen in theaters in a while and I hope a lot of you will see it because it is definitely worth it!
Rating: See It